What is Zellij?
Zellij is a workspace aimed at developers, ops-oriented people and anyone who loves the terminal. Similar programs are sometimes called “Terminal Multiplexers”.
Install Zellij on WSL
step1: install WSL
step2: install curl and build-essential
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl build-essential
step3: install rust and cargo
when you run the following command, you will be asked to choose an installation option. If there is no specific reason, I recommend to choose option 1.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
# check rust version
rustc --version
rustc 1.82.0
# check cargo version
koji@kj-minis ~/dev/blog % cargo --version
cargo 1.82.0
step4: install zellij
cargo install --locked zellij
step5: check zellij version and run zellij
# check zellij version
zellij --version
zellij 0.41.2
# run zellij